Dear world,
We are a coalition of unlikely allies who’ve come together in this extraordinary moment out of the recognition of how every moment going forward will and must now change. Yes, we need to heal from coronavirus. But we also need to heal the inequalities and injustices that the virus has exacerbated and exploited.
“We will not go back to normal,” writes Sonya Renee Taylor. “Normal never was. Our pre-corona existence was not normal other than we normalized greed, inequity, exhaustion, depletion, extraction, disconnection, confusion, rage, hoarding, hate and lack.” We don’t just want to return to normal, we want to re-imagine what normal should be.
Our nation’s strength comes from our ability not just to work, but to work together. The greed and division on which this virus has preyed — it stops here. Now is the time for us to finally stand up for each other and stand together for a better tomorrow for all of us. The end of this virus can be a new beginning.